Thursday 12 March 2015

But WHO should control this brave new virtual world of ours?

I realized today that one of my safest pieces of personal information - safe as in safe from identity theft - is my mobile phone number. It has to be unique by the way it is set up in the network, and any changes I will immediately notice or will be notified. Therefore by extension the network provider you choose is one of your most trusted agencies - whether you realise this or not. They always know your location, your history in terms of where you have been, who/what you have interacted with virtually, and all your personal details on your account.

Possibly quite obvious to all these large 3rd party providers and OS currently flouncing around trying to lever their way into every aspect of our lives.  And meanwhile mired in small-minded locality without realising how amazingly valuable what they have is, are the carriers sitting on this amazing connection - and people aren't talking about it.

Instead Apple has released a new watch.

Hilar. Even more hilar are the tech journalists who don't *get* how absolutely stunningly obvious this is.

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