Thursday 11 December 2014

You know those feel good postcards about life?

Once upon a time I really wanted to be popular,
    because I thought that if I was popular I would be happy because everyone would like me.

Then some years later I thought, only if I would be super smart,
   because then I would get my work done really quickly, have lots of time to do more stuff, and be more useful to people. And then I would be happy.

And then I went through that stage when I thought if only I was really beautiful, and neat, and impeccably well presented, people would accept me then, and I would be happy.

I almost went through a stage thinking if I would just be super kind and nice to people then they would like me... and I would be happy. But I figured that is manipulative and I despise that. And besides we should all be nice and kind and gentle to one another any way because that is what God's ultimate will is.

I guess the big realisation is... that while all these things have some truth to them, which makes them so attractive, the thread going through all of them is me and my happiness.

And then the penny dropped.... happiness has to come from within me. And since I suffer the scars from decades of depression, I still haven't found a solution.

Life postcards are lame 5 second feel good hits.

This blog post?  I got nuthin' sorry.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Interconnected Life

So lately I've been getting into the whole - how much can I automate or remotely control thing?

My brother has been exceptionally helpful in this in that he's played with this physically and actually for years and has done a lot of research in what's out there. Whereas I've just always thought and dreamed about it.

So lately I've had this idea. And it's kind of shocking how big it is. But I'm wondering how nebulous it is and how much I can make it real. So it's been fascinating to explore the practical realities of what is there right now today. How much we can do. And every day there is an app or a device to feed into this. It's like the whole world is on the cusp of this idea. And I would not be at all surprised if others have come up with the same idea because it's kind of simple.

So right now you are wondering, what's this idea? And... at this stage I'm not going to say. Business opportunities and all that.

Let's just say I'm super excited by the future.