Tuesday 31 December 2013

The beauty of bucket lists

It's new years eve. A general inertia and love of my nice comfy apartment, cats and online company, as well as a nice supply of foodstuffs, means that I have zero intention of leaving this sanctum into the wild crazy that is the public on this night of nights. I suspect if I try I could hear the fireworks from here. If I walked for 30mins I could even see them. But no. Staying here. Pretending that it shall be a night of quiet contemplation, of higher thoughts, when really it's just the typical night in having fun with what I have right here.

But in some attempt to wave a stick at the occasion, if not exactly a sparkler... bucket lists. Things to do. Go, on, let's use the term that you *only* ever use around this time of year... the New Years Resolutions. Before that cynical shrug, think again more laterally of what such lists are. They used to really depress me actually. I'd carefully, hopefully craft such a list, and... very quickly they became a list of "things I have not done" rather than "things I would like to do". Particularly on Mondays. Doing such a list for a Monday is like writing a list of things that won't happen.

But anyway, idly reading one of those lifestyle newspaper articles about seven things that successful people do before breakfast the concept of lists came up again... And the penny dropped; it's actually not about the list at all... it's about mentally planning stuff that might happen, mentally working through situations and tasks. So for me, although I can jump into things and react, and chop and change, and decide and negotiate on the fly, there are times when I would just like to have time to think. There are particular tasks that I do throughout my day that I would find myself wishing I had had time to think about it. And it hadn't occurred to me until I read that article that I hadn't actually *made* a time in my day to think. I now use my bus trip time with a notepad and paper and writing big crazy lists of everything, not worrying that I will only get through bits and pieces, but just enjoying the thinking time as I break them down into little bits.

Couple the idea of lists as thinking time, with a Bill Gates quote:
“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”

And take into account that this is, (well it was when I was writing it), New Years Eve, and I will be treating my resolutions as a great big bucket list of thinking. Which is actually quite hopeful. What can I do this year? What would I like to do within the next ten?

Sunday 29 December 2013

A beginning

So a friend has casually mentioned a couple of times "you should write". I've mused over these passing comment from time to time over the last few months and today is the day. I enjoy forums, and the occasional banter in whip-fast net chat sessions or emails, so a blog seems a reasonable place to put a desultory toe.

And damn it, for a second I thought this blog tool didn't come with spell checking, but whatto I managed to spell "desultory" correctly. Small surprises for a Sunday.

I guess a framework about who I am is a reasonable thing to put in an OP. A box if you will where someone can say "Oh *that* type of person" before deciding to invest seconds of time. While it would be nice to be a special snowflake, I'm sure my experiences inform my prejudices, even as much as I would like to claim the ability to stretch to accept no matter my starting position.

So here goes the 'big facts' that I care to put in a blog: I'm female, single, I live in an apartment, I have two cats, a job in a large Australian company, I live in Sydney, I'm a bible-believing Christian who loves and values my gay and atheist friends because Jesus does too, and I spend a large amount of my spare time playing an MMO because it's cheap, convenient, interesting entertainment and someone is always around to chat to 24 hours of the day from all over the world.

I guess my main interest that I will probably spend talking about to the ether here will be in imagining a future working space with tech developments, spurred by my experiences in technology and spending so much time in an imaginative 3D space.

And now, I have a place to put those ideas. And to write...