Thursday 29 April 2021

Over a year later ...

 So... I started my break from work thinking I would have a couple of months then start a job hunt while studying during the evenings.

Grand plans

Anyway... went to a weekly bible study that started at 10am. And fell asleep. Regularly. 

Just so tired. The term is 'burnt out'.

Found a new counsellor. She hates the term 'burnt out' because as she pointed out that implies that the person who is 'burnt out' is somehow used up or its their fault or defect. When reality is they have been under a lot of pressure for a long time. And encouraged me to continue my break if I financially can. And I can. And I think I need to.

It's nice to be told that you are things like 'resilient' and 'emotionally intelligent'. 

Meanwhile I watch and listen to my friends moving in and out of the working world. And in my online gaming world I join and leave guilds thinking about work personal mechanics. Cos guilds are like a workplace in some ways. And realising some more of my strengths. And weaknesses. And wondering about the type of work and workplace I want. Because I don't want that anymore.